AI Game engine programming - Brian Schwab

AI Game Engine Programming is written for all levels of game AI developers who wish to further their knowledge of the myriad AI engines used in various genres. The book provides the knowledge and techniques needed to create an AI engine. It details the specific parts of a modern AI engine, and provides code for the basic frameworks needed to run the techniques. The code is provided in a modular fashion, so that programmers can use only what they need and customize it at any level. The book also explains which techniques work best with different game genres, how to start implementing them, and what to consider when custom designing an engine that will be used for a particular game. The coverage takes programmers from theory to actual game development, with usable code frameworks designed to go beyond merely detailing how a technique might be used. In addition, it covers common pitfalls, design considerations, and optimizations. The companion CD-ROM contains all of the code from the book, as well as useful AI resources.