Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript: Scrape, Clean, Explore & Transform Your Data by Kyran Dale

Категория: Other

Learn how to turn raw data into rich, interactive web visualizations with the powerful combination of Python and JavaScript. With this hands-on guide, author Kyran Dale teaches you how build a basic dataviz toolchain with best-of-breed Python and JavaScript libraries—including Scrapy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Flask, and D3—for crafting engaging, browser-based visualizations. As a working example, throughout the book Dale walks you through transforming Wikipedia’s table-based list of Nobel Prize winners into an interactive visualization. You’ll examine steps along the entire toolchain, from scraping, cleaning, exploring, and delivering data to building the visualization with JavaScript’s D3 library. If you’re ready to create your own web-based data visualizations—and know either Python or JavaScript— this is the book for you.


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