7 Development Projects With The 2007 Microsoft Office System And Windows Share Point Services 2007
Many people had a hand in putting this book together. Mike Fitzmaurice, of the Office Servers team, initiated the project. Ted Pattison wrote Chapters 1 and 2, and John Pierce, a technical writer with Microsoftβs Information Worker Adoption Group, wrote and compiled the infor- mation presented in Chapters 3 through 9. Ben Ryan and Melissa von Tschudi-Sutton of Microsoft Press guided the book through publi- cation. Curt Philips managed the team that edited and produced the book, and Andrea Fox was the copy editor. Members of the Excel Services team, including Jeff Wierer, Eran Megiddo, and David Gainer, provided material and reviews for the chapter about Excel Services. Dave Webster contributed to the chapter about Windows SharePoint Services workflows. Thanks also to the teams that put together the material for the beta versions of the Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SDK and the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 SDK. Finally, thanks go to Rob Barker, Joel Frauenheim, Garry Gross, and other members of the Microsoft Office Solution Showcase team for their support of this project.