Все о языке Java — от базовых знаний до сложных программ. Подробный разбор каждой главы c примерами и выводами. Все примеры актуальные и могут применяться в работе. Досту...
Рассмотрены малоосвещённые вопросы программирования в Delphi. Описаны методы интеграции VCL и API. Показаны внутренние механизмы VCL и приведены примеры вмешательства в э...
The book is about developing of applications for Android, and especially for mobile phone applications. Important topics are the most common widgets, layouts and basicall...
If you wish to create and publish fun iOS games using Swift, then this book is for you. You should be familiar with basic programming concepts. However, no prior game dev...
After working through this book, you will have the knowledge and confidence to develop your own solutions to a wide range of programming challenges using Swift....
This book aims to meetboth these needs: providing a deep mastery of the language, and bringing you up tospeed on recent developments and new features of CSS....