Бесплатные онлайн книги по Other. Страница 139
Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3 by Charles Severance, Aimee Andrion, et al.
Foundations of Agile Python Development by Jeff Younker
Django: практика создания Web-сайтов на Python, 2016, Владимир Дронов
Phyton 3 и PyQt разработка приложений, 2012, Николай Прохоренок
Mastering Python Regular Expressions by Felix Lopez, Victor Romero
Beginning iOS Application Development with HTML and JavaScript by Richard Wagner
Pro Windows 8 Development with HTML5 and JavaScript (Expert's Voice in Microsoft) by Adam Freeman
Node for Front-End Developers: Writing Server-Side JavaScript Applications by Garann Means
C#. Сборник рецептов, 2007, Павел Агуров
Learning ASP.NET 3.5: Build Web Applications with ASP.NET 3.5, AJAX, LINQ, and More. Second Edition by Jesse Liberty, Dan Hurwitz, Brian MacDonald